Game Services

Social Media Production & Resource Management

All creatives are property of Kiloo Games

social media production

My team and I, developed and created engaging content for various of games and social media platforms.

Producing a variety media, such as images, videos, infographics, and written content.

My responsibilities:

  • Content Creation
  • Content Planning and Scheduling
  • Community Management
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Audience Research
  • Innovation and Trends
  • Crisis Management
  • Platform Management
  • Training and Development

a challenge of time and resources

In the beginning our team was small, content creation was like a machine running at max capacity. Any innovation on content was pretty much out of scope if we were to hit our deadlines.

I learned that having a lot of game recodings, art assets and templates on hand with structured file names in an organized folder structure, meant we needed less prep time and had more time for innovation.

that's Interesting, but why?

I’m known for asking a lot of questions. Even if I think I know the answer I want to know your answer. I care about being accurate not about being right.

To me perspectives and insights are like building blocks, the more I have the stronger foundation I can build for the content we produce.

how can you know if you don't play?

A hill I am willing to die on, is that if you want to make great content, you have to play the game and play it enough to care!

Most of my ideas for content concepts comes from playing the games and I want to experience the game how other players do.

I want to be amazed, have fun, be fustrated and most of all inspired by playing.

Portfolio by sally storm

Sr. Creative Marketing Manager